Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Tips About Baby Care

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Tips About Baby Care - Sad to see it if the baby is sick. Although various ways have been done to keep always healthy, but in fact the parents can still be missed.

There are many types of diseases can attack the baby, whom are coughs and colds. Although both diseases at this time there is no cure, but it should never be taken lightly because it could be an early sign of disease more dangerous.

Treating the disease coughs and colds in infants is very different than the treatment of children or adults. Appropriate treatment will speed up the recovery process and prevent the baby from things that are not cool. Quoted from tabloid Ayahbunda.

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here are some tips that can be done by parents to cope.

1. Stay give milk regularly

Baby's immune system is generally still not formed properly and seamlessly, so the baby very vulnerable to disease. To that end, so the baby is not susceptible to disease mother regularly required to give her milk, at least until the baby is older than 1 year.

2. Apply the oil Cajeput

Cough that occurs repeatedly will make the baby feel very uncomfortable. To overcome this, the mother can try rubbing the oil cajeput around the neck and chest so he could feel a warm sensation. As if it turns cough with sputum or nasal congestion due to mucus, for diluting the mother can shed a sterile saline solution or salt which can be obtained easily in pharmacies nearby.

3. Give the baby a special medication (if necessary)

Babies should not be used by chemical drugs to cure the illness. However, in certain cases as recommended by your doctor chemical drugs can still be given. Keep in mind, do not ever give more than one type of drug to the baby, because some medications sometimes have the same content, so it is feared the baby overdosed.

4. Bring to a doctor

If you see the baby coughs and colds do not go away, do not delay again to immediately take him to the doctor. Alternative medicines can also be given as add a few drops of menthol, eucalyptus or pine oil into a vaporizer to help your baby feel relieved.
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In more severe cases there are some signs to look out by parents, among them:

  • 1. If suddenly the baby breathes faster than normal or they may seem like wheezing because of breathing difficulties.
  • 2. If the baby cough accompanied by mucus discharge yellowish or greenish.
  • 3. If your baby has a fever over 38 Celsius accompanied by a cold sweat.
  • 4. If the baby is coughing hard to experience vomiting.
  • 5. If the phlegm out with bloodstains.
Parents can not at any time keep her baby from being exposed to the disease. However, parents still can minimize infectious diseases by improving the health of the child's body. For starters, make sure your baby always maintained the cleanliness of his body, ask all members of your family to always wash their hands before holding your baby.

Keep in mind, too, as much as possible to avoid entrust your baby in day care, because their baby's risk of contracting the disease are enormous. If forced to leave your baby, be sure to choose a daycare that has experience and high hygiene standards.

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